Masolino, also called Masolino da Panicale, original name Tommaso di Cristoforo Fini (b. 1383, Panicale, near Perugia, Romagna—d. probably 1440–47, Florence), painter who achieved a compromise between the International Gothic manner and the advanced early Renaissance style of his own day and who owes his prominence in the history of Florentine art not to his innovations but to his lyrical style and his unfailing artistry. Masolino came from the same district of Tuscany as his younger contemporary Masaccio, with whom his career was closely linked. Trained in a Florentine ...
Biographies of: Masolino da Panicale
See Also

Gentile da Fabriano
Fabriano 1370 ca · Rome 09/1427
Lorenzo Ghiberti
Florence 1378 · Florence 1455
Paolo Uccello
Pratovecchio 15/06/1397 · Florence 10/12/1475
Florence 1431 ca · Rome 04/02/1498