Basilica benedettina di San Michele Arcangelo

Caserta, Via Luigi Baia 120

  • Location: Caserta, Via Luigi Baia 120
  • Address: Via Luigi Baia 120
  • E-Ticketing WWW:
  • E-Mail:
  • Phone#: 0823 960817
  • Booking E-Mail:
  • Booking phone#: +39 0823 960817
  • Transportation: By car: From the a1 motorway, take the S. Maria capua Vetere exit; head towards S. angelo in Formis (2 km).

    From the anaS Maddaloni-capua road: take the S. Maria capua Vetere exit; head towards S. angelo in Formis (2 km).

    From the appia national road: follow in the direction of S. Maria capua Vetere and exit at S. angelo in Formis (3 km).