The Borgia Apartment
The ancient apartment of Pope Alessandro VI Borgia is made up of six rooms, which the spanish pope maintained for himself and his family: everywhere are stuccos, frescoes and the ever-present bull of the papal stem. After his death, the apartment was closed and was not opened until the 1800s. Pinturicchio and his collaborators painted the hall of Sibille, the Credo, the Liberal Arts, the Saints, the Mysteries and the Popes. The last one was repainted under Pope Leo X after a part of the wall crumbled, with the new work carried out by Giovanni da Udine and Perin del Vaga.
Appartamento Borgia
1492 | Affresco
Penelope con i Proci
1509 | Affresco | 152 x 125 cm.
Storie San Bernardino da Siena (Cappella Bufalini)
1484 | Affresco
Incoronazione della Vergine, Evangelisti, Dottori e Sibille
1509 | Affresco
Pala di Santa Maria de' Fossi
1495 | Tempera su tavola
Madonna col bambino benedicente
1480 | Olio su tavola
Crocifisso tra i santi Girolamo e Cristoforo
1475 | Olio su tavola | 40 x 59 cm.
Madonna col Bambino benedicente
1480 | Tempera su tavola | 35 x 53 cm.
Works in Italy
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