Tomb of Julius II
Basilica of Saint Peter in Chains
This was the most ambitious project of Michelangelo's carreer. It would las t 40 years and would be drastically altered from its original form. Not until after many problems and arguments with the buyer of the work and his heirs did the work find its home in a “minor” church like San Pietro in Vincoli, instead of being placed in Saint Peter's Basilica as originally intended. The artist spoke of the commission as the “tragedy of burial”. Of the more than 40 statues designed, 7 were created and only three were done by the master, the most famous of which is certainly Moses (1513-15).
Cappella Sistina
1475 | Affresco
Michelangelo Buonarroti, Madonna col Bambino
1503 | Statua
Giudizio Universale
1536 | Affresco | 206 x 311 cm.
Crocifissione di San Pietro
1546 | Affresco | 662 x 625 cm.
1497 | Statua
Tomba Giulio II
1505 | Sepolcro
San Giovanni Battista
1490 | Gruppo scultoreo
Cristo della Minerva
1519 | Gruppo scultoreo
Cappella Sforza
1561 | Cappella
Pietà Rondanini
1552 | Statua
Pietà Bandini
1547 | Statua | 226 x 0 cm.
Genio della Vittoria
1532 | Statua | 261 x 0 cm.
Tondo Doni
1506 | Tempera su tavola | 120 x 0 cm.
1493 | Legno dipinto
Sagrestia Nuova
1521 | Opera architettonica
Madonna col Bambino (Madonna Medici)
1521 | Statua | 226 x 0 cm.
Sacrestia Nuova
1521 | Opera architettonica
Monumento a Lorenzo de’Medici duca di Urbino
1524 | Statua | 650 x 470 cm.
Monumento di Giuliano duca di Nemours
1524 | Statua | 650 x 470 cm.
Sala di lettura
Opera architettonica
1530 | Statua
1502 | Statua | 410 x 0 cm.
San Matteo
1505 | Statua | 216 x 0 cm.
Tondo Pitti
1503 | Bassorilievo marmoreo | 85 x 62 cm.
1497 | Statua | 174 x 203 cm.
Busto di Bruto
1539 | Statua | 74 x 96 cm.
Madonna della Scala
Bassorilievo marmoreo | 55 x 40 cm.
1490 | Altorilievo | 84 x 90 cm.
Works in Italy
Works around the world