
Eelco van den Berg, Feather galaxy, 90x90cm


From 08 Ottobre 2016 to 12 Novembre 2016


Place: MAGMA gallery

Address: via S. Stefano 164

Telefono per informazioni: +39 380 767 5718

E-Mail info: info@magma.gallery

Official site: http://www.magma.gallery

MAGMA gallery is glad to invite you to the opening of the exhibition Mimesis, on Saturday October 8th from 6:30pm onwards.
In the Aristotelian aesthetics, the term mimesis refers to the imitation of the ideal form of reality, in which the artist’s operate becomes like the workings of nature. From there origins of the curatorial intuition that led to conceive this exhibition.
Artistic elective affinities, communicating vessels of the present that lead three international artists to dialogue within the spaces of MAGMA gallery, wondering with their own styles on the changing perceptual relationship between man and nature, and between nature and art.

Roberto Ciredz, among the most interesting artists of the new generation of Italian Urban Art, will realize for the occasion a site-specific installation located in the main hall, to further testify the experimental research of the gallery. The figures that he represents are inspired by the earth, by the study of its structure; topographic maps become traces, infinite signs that from reality lead to abstraction. The perceptual relationship between mankind and nature, its changeable essence, unstable and at times misleading, is the central element of his style.

Eelco van den Berg and Jan Kalab, important names of the international Urban Art, authors of important public works, will exhibit for the first time in an Italian gallery. Through the six splendid works on canvas by Eelco van den Berg, the public can observe the expressive power of the great Dutch artist, able to create enigmatic figures and at the same time ironic, suspended between surrealism and pop colors.
Jan Kaláb instead, explores the infinite variations of abstract painting through canvas, expressing his language through a perfect balance between shapes and minimalism, capable of generating surprising depth and dynamic effects.

Jan Kaláb Jan Kaláb (Prague, 1978) was born at a time when the Iron Curtain still existed. As Czech Republic separated from Slovakia everyday life opens to new and different influences from Western culture. Jan, growing up in this period, develops an original style and completely antithetical with the tradition, becoming one of the most recognized pioneers and protagonists of the new art scene. Since 2007, Among the exhibitions he participated over the time are the solo shows in Romania, Argentina, Germany and the United States.

Roberto Ciredz (1981, Cagliari), is one of the most innovative artists of Italian urban abstract art. His works on paper, on the wall, his sculptures and his enigmatic and beautiful installations have been appreciated in numerous exhibitions and national and international events, such as Katowice Street Art Festival in Poland, Muu Festival in Croatia, Asalto Festival and US Barcelona in Spain, and the well-known Village Underground Wall in London. Recently he took part in "Becoming Marni" project, developed in the northeast of Brazil in the Segipe region, exhibited at the 56th Venice Biennale.

Eelco van den Berg (1974, Uden), is an artist and illustrator that works mainly in Rotterdam and New York. Psychedelic landscapes, an original palette of strong colors which originates from the streets of New York. Named among the 10 most influential artists in New York, it has numerous collaborations with international brands including Levi's, Philips, Heineken.