English Garden

- Location: English Garden
- Date: 1785
- Address: Viale Douhet 2/A
- E-Mail: re-ce@beniculturali.it
- Phone#: +39 0823 448084
- Booking E-Mail: caserta@operalaboratori.com
- Opening: January 8.30 am - 3 pm | February 8.30 am - 3.30 pm | March 8.30 am - 4 pm | April / May / June / July / August / September 8.30 am - 6 pm | October 8.30 am - 5 pm | November 8.30 am - 3 pm | December 8.30 am - 2.30 pm | Last entry always one hour before closing
The English Garden will be closed on #DomenicalMuseo free days - Price: HISTORICAL APARTMENTS, PARK and ENGLISH GARDEN 14 €
PARACODAY (can be purchased at the Corso Giannone ticket office - access to the English Park and Garden) 9 €
REGGIA TWODAYS (afternoon and next day) 17 €
REDUCED from 18 to 25 years 2 €
FREE ENTRY up to 18 years