Venaria Palace
Torino, Piazza della Repubblica 4
- Address: Piazza della Repubblica 4
- E-Ticketing WWW:
- E-Mail:
- Phone#: + 39 011 4992333
- Booking phone#: + 39 011 4992333
- Opening: From Tuesday to Sunday 9am-5pm
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holdays 9.30am-6.30pm
Last entrance one hour before closing time.
it is possible to book the date and time of your entrance when you purchase your ticket. Guided tours available upon reservation.
closed on Mondays and december 25. - Price: Reggia + Gardens + exhibitions: full rate €25, discounted €1 for aged 6 to 15 if accompanied by adults.
Reggia + Gardens: full rate €16, discounted €14, discounted €10 for aged 6 to 20, free entrance for kids under 6.
Gardens: full rate €5, discounted €4, discounted €2 for aged 6 to 20, free entrance for kids under 6.
For further information on special offers, discounted admission and ticketing please visit the web site or contact the information office. - Transportation: By bus: line 11 (stop Venaria), lines 72, Ve1 (stop Trento) or Venaria express shuttle.
By train: SFM line a (stop Venaria station).
The largest residence of the House of Savoy was initially built as the hunting residence of Charles Emmanuel II by Amedeo di Castellamonte (1658-83). The building, with two courtyards, had the Diana hall at its centre; next, the Diana gallery by Michelangelo Garove (1700-13), the royal apartments, the stables, the citroniera (fruit grows) and the Sant'Uberto chapel by Filippo Juvarra (1716-28) were added. Recently renovated, today it is also possible to visit its splendid gardens and the XVII-century village.
Trivia – here Victor Emmanuel II lived together with his mistress Rosa Vercellana Guerrieri (nicknamed la bella Rosina) who had two children by him and that he married by morganatic marriage on 9th November 1869.
The largest residence of the House of Savoy was initially built as the hunting residence of Charles Emmanuel II by Amedeo di Castellamonte (1658-83). The building, with two courtyards, had the Diana hall at its centre; next, the Diana gallery by Michelangelo Garove (1700-13), the royal apartments, the stables, the citroniera (fruit grows) and the Sant'Uberto chapel by Filippo Juvarra (1716-28) were added. Recently renovated, today it is also possible to visit its splendid gardens and the XVII-century village.
Trivia – here Victor Emmanuel II lived together with his mistress Rosa Vercellana Guerrieri (nicknamed la bella Rosina) who had two children by him and that he married by morganatic marriage on 9th November 1869.
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