A project to display the rare "Portrait of Bianca Sforza"

Christmas in Urbino for the Beautiful Princess of Leonardo

Leonardo da Vinci, Ritratto di Bianca Sforza (La Bella Principessa), c.1495

E. Bramati


Pesaro e Urbino - Vittorio Sgarbi and Marco Goldin met to discuss various projects that will take place in Milan, on the occasion of Expo, and in Urbino in the next months. 

Just before Christmas, the city in the Marche region could host  the "Portrait of Bianca Sforza", one of the most mysterious works of Leonardo da Vinci.
The painting on parchment, better known as the Beautiful Princess, became part of the collection of Peter Silverman, who bought it for few thousand dollars in 1998. 

Many studies, the last of which in 2011, allowed experts to attribute the work to the great master, increasing its value and the opportunities of exhibiting it. 

Because of its fragility and its recent attribution, the Beautiful Princess was displayed only on rare occasions. This will therefore be a great opportunity for the city of Urbino, which will provide the audience with a unique opportunity to discover a "new" masterpiece.



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