Education of the Virgin
Chruch of Santa Maria della Consolazione or della Fava
It is one of the most beautiful paintings of Tiepolo's youth. It depicts the rare theme of the Education of the Virgin with Mary as a child reading a book, showing it to her mother, Anna. To the right is Joachim, the father of Mary, who looks ecstatically to the heavens.

Works in Italy
Church of Santa Maria del Rosario or Gesuati
King David Playing the Harp / Faith, Hope and Charity / Allegory of Merit / Comunione di Santa Lucia / Education of the Virgin / The Virgin Appears to Saint John of Nepomuk / Martyrdom of St Bartholomew / Trionfo della Fede / Gloria di Santa Teresa / Salita al Calvario / Venice receives the Gifts of the Sea from Neptune
Works around the world