Last Supper
Commissioned by the school of the Sacrament together with the Foot Washing (today in London). The painting portrays the time of the announcement of the betrayal. The dynamism of the reactions of the apostles is emphasized by the bold composition which places the table with its edge towards the audience with the fallen chair and Judas, recognizable from the missing halo, grabbing the flask.

Works in Italy
Chiesa della Madonna dell’Orto
Il Giudizio Universale / Maria in meditazione / Ultima Cena / La piscina probatica / Nozze di Cana / Crocifissione / Sant’Orsola e le sue Compagne / Ultima Cena / Ultima Cena / Invenzione della Croce / I quattro Evangelisti / Ritratto del Procuratore Nicolò Priuli / Miracolo dello schiavo / Paradiso
Works around the world