Portrait of Vincenzo Morosini
Vincenzo Morosini (1511 - 1588) held a number of important posts in and around Venice. A Senator, he was Prefect of the Republic in 1555 and Savio di Terrafirma. In 1578 he was appointed Procurator di San Marco de Citra, and in 1584 became President of the University of Padua.
He wears the 'Stola d'Oro' on his right shoulder, the privilege of the Venetian Knighthood.

Works in Italy
Chiesa della Madonna dell’Orto
Il Giudizio Universale / Maria in meditazione / Ultima Cena / La piscina probatica / Nozze di Cana / Crocifissione / Sant’Orsola e le sue Compagne / Ultima Cena / Ultima Cena / Invenzione della Croce / I quattro Evangelisti / Ritratto del Procuratore Nicolò Priuli / Miracolo dello schiavo / Paradiso
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