The Last Supper
The painting was commissioned to Tintoretto by the School of the Sacrament of the Church of San Polo. The Last Supper depicts the episode from the Gospels as Christ gives communion to two apostles, opening their hands to make the sign of the cross. The figures on the right giving alms are an homage to the charitable activities of the school itself.

Works in Italy
Chiesa della Madonna dell’Orto
Il Giudizio Universale / Maria in meditazione / Ultima Cena / La piscina probatica / Nozze di Cana / Crocifissione / Sant’Orsola e le sue Compagne / Ultima Cena / Ultima Cena / Invenzione della Croce / I quattro Evangelisti / Ritratto del Procuratore Nicolò Priuli / Miracolo dello schiavo / Paradiso
Works around the world