Portrait of Clemente IX
Accademy Gallery of Saint Luca
An important papal portrait which Gaulli, known as Baciccia, made for the Pope from Tuscany Clement IX Rospigliosi (1667-69), a stand out not so much for his brief stay as Pope, but as a playwright, contributing to the body of roman melodrama of the 1600s. The painting is one of many confirmations of the artist from Genoa's remarkable skill at portraits at court.
Ritratto Clemente IX
1667 | Olio su tela
Trionfo Ordine Francescano
1707 | Affresco
Trionfo del Nome di Gesù
1687 | Affresco
Ritratto del cardinale Marco Gallo
1681 | Olio su tela | 63 x 72 cm.
Orologio ad altare
1665 | Orologio
Ritratto di Gianlorenzo Bernini
1675 | Olio su tela | 74 x 99 cm.
Gloria del Nome di Gesù
Works in Italy
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