Judith and Holofernes
National Gallery of Ancient Art in Palazzo Barberini

This incredible painting shows the moment in which the young widow Judith, assisted by her maid, cuts the head of the assyrian general Holofernes in a probable allegorical reference to the victory over vice and heresy. The work was found in 1950, after having been considered lost to history.
The Gallery also holds the painting of Narcissus, attributed to Caravaggio (but also to the lesser-known Spadarino), which shows the youth entranced by his own beauty.

Galleria Borghese
Ritratto di Papa Paolo V / Crocifissione di San Pietro / San Matteo e l'angelo / San Francesco in meditazione / Madonna dei pellegrini / San Giovanni Battista / San Giovanni Battista / Deposizione dalla croce / Giove, Nettuno e Plutone / Riposo durante la Fuga in Egitto / Conversione di San Paolo