National Gallery of Ancient Art in Palazzo Barberini
This painting shows the myth of the young Narcissus who looks at himself in the water, admiring his own beauty: falling into the water, he becomes the flower of the same name (Ovid, Metamorphoses). The scene is set in the clearing of a forest, allowing Tintoretto to play with the various degrees of light penetrating the trees.

Works in Italy
Galleria Borghese
Ritratto di Papa Paolo V / Crocifissione di San Pietro / San Matteo e l'angelo / San Francesco in meditazione / Madonna dei pellegrini / San Giovanni Battista / San Giovanni Battista / Deposizione dalla croce / Giove, Nettuno e Plutone / Riposo durante la Fuga in Egitto / Conversione di San Paolo
Works around the world