Saint John in the Desert
Known also as John with the Ram, it is considered by some critics to be Isaac holding the ram to be sacrificed by Abraham in his place. There is another famous version of the painting at the Galleria Doria Pamphilj. The twisted pose of Saint John is taken directly from the Michelangelo nudes of the Sistine Chapel, one of many confirmations of the extremely subtle depth of the painting of Caravaggio, overlooked by romantic critics who often paid attention only to the realistic detail.

Borghese Gallery
Ritratto di Papa Paolo V / Crocifissione di San Pietro / San Francesco in meditazione / San Matteo e l'angelo / San Giovanni Battista / Madonna dei pellegrini / San Giovanni Battista / Deposizione dalla croce / Giove, Nettuno e Plutone / Rest on the Flight into Egypt / Conversione di San Paolo